welcome to...




hey! my css detected that you're on a mobile device or on a really narrow window.
even though some sections of the website are optimized for narrow screens, i still highly suggest to have a wider window open or to flip your phone horizontally for the best experience. thanks!


hello! it is currently a unspecified amount of time.

NOTE! this website is constantly in a work of progress! saves in "cats" may or may not corrupt in the neartime future due to constant changes. also the background image might not load immediately, sorry!

wanna go back to the old website? click here

switch style of the website here
current style:

to-do list

WARNING! this list is not listed in terms of priority, but rather from earliest to latest when they came up in my head.

this html file, along everything else will become priority once this list is 100% done.

tasks done: 33 out of 48

    about me (2 of 2)

  • write a cool intro about myself and the things i do
  • show off a cool song i found on soundcloud or somewhere

    blog (3 of 5)

  • actually write some interesting stuff that's about me (to be fair this was already done)
  • have tags on every blog so it's easier to sort between rants and just thoughts
  • have a filter where certain tags can be skipped
  • have clickable arrows on the bottom to switch between different blogs
  • add a dropdown setting that allows people to scroll through blogs in a list format, similar to my previous blog section

    music (2 of 4)

  • make a super super cool background with speakers and music notes and stuff for the background
  • make buttons with different categories of music i listen to, and a main section that displays the majority of information (similar to Blog, but not entirely)
  • have a Soundcloud embed on the top that's interactive
  • make sure that the selected song stays highlighted, even if the user switches categories

    portfolio (1 of 5)

  • make the portfolio dropdown actually work
    • i give up on this! too difficult!
  • have the background be a really cool video store or something electronic-related
  • have a section on the right (or bottom for mobile users) about the video selected and my thoughts about it
  • add a section for inspiration (since i take a bunch of inspiration from others, not in a stealing way of course!) (this is covered here)
  • (if possible) have a cool border around the video
  • create a posters section similar to the first version with descriptions

    cats (15 of 17)

  • make an award for hitting 1k, 100k, and 1m, etc.
  • change the clicker button into a button that looks like a cat
  • add more upgrades
  • make the space bar interact with the button, so users don't have to tap with a mousepad or mouse
  • make the "Cats per click" and "Cats per second" scale pump whenever upgraded (is this possible? if not scratch the idea)
  • lower the size of the background and upgrade images so the page loads faster
  • change the cost to be better for bigger numbers (so it displays 20k instead of 20000)
  • show total amount of cats clicked (not cats as in amount earned, but the amount you ACTUALLY clicked)
  • have options to change the voice when the button's clicked
  • make background music
  • have the upgrades on the bottom be hidden until a certain price or upgrade has been bought
  • when the viewport has the scrollbar for the top utility bar, fade the ends so the buttons don't abruptly get cut off
  • fix an issue where the info box (the thing that displays cats/second or cats/click when hovering over an upgrade) displays the unshortened increase amount than the default increase value
  • fix an issue where saving and loading upgrades cpc or cps accurately (f*** you tutorial guy!)
  • display "Level MAX" when reaching level 500
  • fix an issue where the game completely freezes after a certain point (i don't even know how this happened)
  • (from the tutorial) add sound effects when things happen; apparently it works fine on vscode but not on neocities? idk

    webpage map (0 of 1)

  • make a simple background in blender with a map on a table

    homepage (9 of 11)

  • create "updates" section
  • fix the background for this page
  • figure out a way to make users without default (websafe for smart people) fonts to look good
  • change the spacing between the to-do list and the updates section (it's uneven, i hate it!)
  • have a button that lets the user go from update to update without scrolling
  • add a webpage map so people don't get lost
  • switch the formatting of the dates in the updates section
  • have the backgrounds update based on what time it is (different ones for morning, evening, and night)
  • fix the background for afternoon and pick some better colors
  • get rid of the stutter between detecting which background to choose from
  • reduce the file size of all backgrounds to less than 2MB each

    universal (2 of 3)

  • optimize this website for mobile users (done with cats, still need to fix the homepage to look good)
  • add a browser tab icon for each section; including but not limited to: the homepage, cats, about me, portfolio, not found, webpage map.
  • make a 404 not found page
  • lots of other things that i have not discovered
  • also, isn't it impressive that this newcities website is so mobile-friendly? most website's i seen are so awfully created for mobile users and i feel so bad for those who wanna browse the web and don't have access to a computer or laptop



  • blog
    • added back old pictures
    • new entry
  • music
    • added a few more songs
    • discovered an issue that im too lazy to fix right now


  • webpage map
      i made a really cool blender thing but i can't figure out how to format it correct with the html, oh well....
  • homepage
      added the ability to put images in the updates tab (gotta make this update somewhat useful...)


  • homepage
    • added a new style! click on the manual style change button to see it in action (it's not completely finished so it's not in the actual style rotation just yet)
    • fixed an underlying issue where if it's on "night" mode, it'll switch back to night even if auto-toggle is disabled
  • misc.
    • added icons for 404 not found and webpage map


  • about me
    • made slight modifications on the about section
    • new musical spotlight
    • new draft preview
  • blog => new entry
  • music
    • got the "current song" player to finally work with Soundcloud's embedding system
    • modified the active button system with the middle section to use padding instead of the width size
    • moved the "by _____" on the bottom
    • turned on overflow-x in case if there's an absurdly long name for a song
    • added a ton of songs
    • added a ton of categories
    • made css that's mobile-friendly for those with browsers less than 550px wide
    • limited both lists to have a max height, any button exceeding the height will overflow
      • added a fade on the top and bottom edge


  • music
    • got the songs in the middle to pop up
    • made the buttons in the middle have an active state when selected
    • put my boy doge on the current song (temporary, you're not staying on there forever idiot)


  • blog
    • corrected the spelling of the first and second month of the year (this is so embarassing)
    • changed the "return" button to "return to my page" to be less misleading if you came from the webpage map
    • new entry
  • music (new!)
    • made columns with some categories of music i like and a music player on the right side
    • made the buttons have a "selected" style when clicked and removed when another was clicked (this took ages)
    • bunch of other js functions, currently a wip
  • cats
    • got rid of some files that didn't make it to the final cut
  • homepage
    • added the h4 tag of January (forgot to do it previously)


  • cats
    • FINALLY fixed the issue with audio, should work now
      • it worked fine on my end since it was all locally stored, but neocities' routing made it different which resulted in no audio! all fixed now
    • fixed an issue where the Alien Cat stats bar would flash itself for a brief period of time
    • reformatted the JS a bit so it makes more sense
    • added a credits tab on Stats
    • made the Upgrade and Stats button the same width, regardless of window size
    • made the edges of the utility bar fade out so it doesn't abruptly stop (THANK YOU INDIAN CODING YOUTUBERS YOU'RE THE BEST)


  • cats
    • added a stat where it shows your total playtime in HH:MM:SS format (thanks wilson for the idea)
      • fyi: since I haven't actively collected data about your playtime in your save file, ALL saves will start at 0 seconds. use this as a motive to start over again!
    • attempted to enable audio again (PLEASE WORK NEOCITIES IM NOT PIRATING MUSIC)
  • homepage
    • updated all of the blog updates (at least most) to be more compact if it's just a new blog entry


  • blog => new entry



  • personal notes
    • i applied this website to a few personal things irl, should give me the motivation to speed up the progression of this website. it'll be done soon i promise!!!!!!!
  • about me
    • new song highlight
  • blogs => new entry


  • about me
    • new song highlight
  • blogs
    • new!
    • attempted to make the view all feature (you can see some bits and pieces in the HTML and JS)


  • cats
    • increased padding from the bottom of the page and the second container when in "mobile" mode
  • homepage
    • made the page fade in when loaded
    • added an option to switch between night and day with a button
    • fixed an issue where switching between night and day automatically (transition between 8:59pm to 9pm or 4:59am to 5am) doesn't change the css back to the other css
    • reduced the amount of lines of js ran per second (used to be around 140/s i think, reduced to 5/s and ~60-70 once per minute)

1/13/25 night

  • cats
    • fixed a huge issue where the game crashes after a number of upgrades (can't believe i didn't know about it until recently)
  • homepage
    • made all the other buttons and headers turn purple between the times of 9pm and 5am
    • reduced the delay of the background updating by immediately starting the loop
    • unlinked the portfolio button


  • about me
    • changed the html formatting of the media section
    • added a hr (visible line break) on the ends of each list
  • homepage
    • added a background that is activated between 9pm to 5am
    • added a setting that switches the css of this page between 9pm and 5am


  • personal notes
    • hello! happy (late) new year!
  • about me
    • new section: movies and shows i like and recommend to watch
    • new song on display
    • took off project 81 from Current Projects (i finished it!)
  • blog
    • new
    • switched the format from M/D/Y to M D, Y with the month fully spelt out
      • this made me realize, should i do the same on here? having the updates listed as M/D/Y on here should be incredibly confusing to the ones who use the D/M/Y formatting. adding to the list!
    • added the ability to link a blog (for example, if you want to link my first blog, type ..../blog#1 in your URL)



  • personal notes
    • merry christmas! happy hannukkah! happy holidays!
    • unfortunately i will not be able to finish this by the end of 2024
  • about me
    • new musical spotlight
    • added one of my newer projects on display
  • blog
    • wrote a really personal diary entry


  • personal notes
    • ik i've said this before, i do apologize but school and personal stuff caught up to me... slowing updates
    • good news though! winter break! i'll do my best to crank this website out and have it done by the end of the year (hopefully! hopefully!)
  • about me
    • swapped musical highlight
    • + made sure all the edit links opened a new tab
  • blog => new entry
  • cats
    • fixed an issue where the space bar would make a really massive number (thanks bobby)
  • webpage map
    • color and font weight changes on hover


  • about me
    • got rid of lovefool from the drafts since it's finished
    • rewrote stuff about myself so it's less confusing
    • sorted lists so they're alphabetically sorted
    • swapped music in musical spotlight
    • small css changes
  • homepage
    • rewrote parts of the to-do list
    • small css changes
    • added a button for the webpage map
  • webpage map
    • created


  • about me
    • changed volume of spotlight music
  • cats
    • rounded cat balances to not show decimals (in request of my friends! to be fair, what is 0.17 of a cat, a leg?)
    • fixed prices to only take the amount of cats displayed
      • previously, it would take up to ±0.50 cats on every purchase. doesn't seem like a lot but still makes a minor difference
  • homepage
    • added backup font options for the h1 headers; this is the only way i could imagine fixing the issue, i'm calling it done from here
    • changed the minimum width to 360px
    • added a button which lets users go to the top of the page (only temporarily, will have back and forward features instead in the future)
    • small css changes
    • changed a handful of stuff i want to do in the to-do list

12/1/24 night

  • about me
    • added a section where i can show off cool music
    • added some project previews
    • footer!
  • blog
    • added a prototype of a filters section (too tired to figure out how to make it actually work)
    • rearranged the blog header and return button
    • made the number listing on the bottom not selectable
    • rewrote a few titles so it doesn't make the tags look weird
    • attempted to fix up the Times New Roman issue, hopefully works?
  • homepage
    • took off some goals off the "About Us" section, it was irrelevent to what im going for
    • added the NOVEMBER tag in updates (you'll see it if you scroll down a bit)


  • blog
    • wrote a unusually extensive blog about myself. stalkers, this one's for you!
    • added tags on each blog entry
    • added a counter on the bottom in case if you get lost in my countless blogs
  • homepage (and blog)
    • switched out the Times New Roman backup font with Times New Roman PSMT, hopefully this one works as intended



  • personal notes
    • there is no way i am finishing this by December, so much is on my plate right now and i apologize. end of the year perhaps?
  • homepage
    • crossed off a goal and added a few more
    • made the home textbox the same height as the directory so it doesn't look uneven
    • mildly changed the formatting of the to-do list
  • about me
    • small changes to the Last Online feature
  • blog
    • made the header, date, and the actual blog text more interactive
    • made a "previous" and "next" button on the bottom that allows the user to switch between blogs
    • imported all of my old blogs
    • minor adjustments to css


  • personal notes
    • hi hi hi! sorry for the long hiatus; seasonal depression has hit me HARD and gave me a massive roadblock regarding anything creative
    • this update is pretty underwhelming but i promise to overdeliver as much as i can before i burnout
  • homepage
    • updated goals on list
  • about me
    • switched the blogs section on the bottom to display my current projects (there are none publically available as of: right now)
    • changed the header to only display the homepage and the "blogs" section. speaking of, new blog section!
  • blog
    • started a rough draft of what i want it to look like


  • about me
    • all the edits open in a new tab now rather than replacing the about me tab
    • made the logo clickable
  • portfolio
    • attempted
  • cats
    • nerfed the alien cat to only have x3 influence (via testplay, the alien was wayyyy too overpowered)
  • not found
    • made it actually working


  • home
    • changed the spacing between the to-do list and updates to be more even
  • about me
    • changed the spacing of text on the logo to be more centered
    • fixed the "Last Online: " to not loop back to "## seconds ago" when a new hour or day loops over
  • not found
    • created!


  • about me
    • guess what! i wrote things, about me!
    • added contact information
    • added a "Last Online:" portion which represents when i last updated my "About Me" page
    • added a logo by the end of my name
    • added a header icon
    • wrote a bunch about games, anime, and edits i seen (so nerdy ik)
    • bunch of other information about me
    • note: i might delete the blogs section on the very bottom


  • home
    • changed the time displayed on the homepage to not display zeros if the hour number was less than 10
  • about me
    • made a really rough version of a myspace-like blog page
  • cats
    • fixed an issue where Cats/click wouldn't be affected by the alien influence
    • fixed an issue where saving your progress wouldn't save your clicking or idle power
    • added alien power to be saved when saving progress (funny how i didn't add this earlier)
    • fixed the upgrades to turn gold when reaching upgrade milestones. glod!
    • added a cap of 500 levels to every single upgrade (besides the alien, i doubt anyone's reaching level 500 on that though)
    • editor's note: the javascript's getting so messy im ngl it's like a whole bunch of word soup
    • however, i could call this project practically done; the only part i need to work on is the audio feedback

11/10/24 - night

  • cats
    • added a feature where some upgrades are unavailable until certain requirements are met
    • changed the milestones for Cookie Cat from every 50 levels to every 25 levels
    • added a new cat, Alien Cat
      • they are unlocked when reaching over 999 clicks and upgrading Cookie Cat to level 50
      • they multiply the rate of cats created from the button
    • added a new stat bar when alien cat is unlocked
    • removed the ability to select the text on the "Upgrades" and "Stats" button


  • home
    • fixed an issue where anytime between 12:00am and 12:59am would display as "00:00am" (really shows around what time i make these changes lmao)
  • cats
    • fixed a MASSIVE issue where the power function would give you a absurd amount of cat power (it was possible to get up to 2^20^6, if you could imagine how massive that number is) down to just 30k!
    • to avoid the previous mistake above, only the cookie cat will exponentially increase while the other upgrades will just add onto the total power
    • tweaked how much pricing goes up when buying an upgrade and how much the upgrade increases
    • increased the large number condenser to support up to 10^42 cats
    • added different upgrade milestones for different types of upgrades


  • home
    • fixed an issue where anytime between 12:00pm and 12:59pm would display as "am"
    • added a header for each month (might remove this in the future)
  • cats
    • fixed a massive issue where the cats/click power wouldn't work when the button is clicked
    • you are able to earn a partial amount of cats (ex. 4.20 cats)
    • added a feature where your balance, cats/second, and cats/click scales up when the number changes


  • cats
    • fixed an issue where loading up a save displays the actual number rather than a condensed version
    • fixed an issue where 1000 would be displayed as 1.00k instead of 1k
    • reduced size of upgrade images by ~70% (all upgrade images are less than 2 megabytes)
    • changed "Cats Clicked" from stats to be unformatted, since most people won't probably be above a million clicks (or maybe i thought wrong?)
    • changed the upgrade milestones to increase the overall statistic, rather than just the upgrade
      • for example, if your cats/second was 1k and you had four upgrades at level 10, then your total cats/second would be 4k/s
    • added two sections in the stats bar that display your power for cats/second and cats/click
    • added power as a function to be saved and loaded
    • small css changes to the buttons
    • (attempted to) hide upgrades until a certain threshold is met


  • home
    • made the crossed off tasks gray so it's easier to see
    • added a handful more goals, mainly fixes
  • cats
    • made the spacebar not move the page downwards (at least, when you don't hold down the spacebar)
    • added a stats bar on the top to check out your lifetime stats (sorry if you played before this update, your lifetime cats and clicks have NOT been saved)
    • buying an upgrade with insufficient funds will highlight the upgrade red for a brief moment
    • added a blur and border around the upgrades panel to look more established
    • the number over the button, cats/click, and cats/second will be displayed as a decimal for numbers less than 1000, as long as the leading decimals aren't .00
    • extended the number shortener to support up to 999.99 novillion cats (1 novillion cats is 1 * 10^30)


  • home
    • fixed the home message so it doesn't say good night when its not supposed to
  • cats
    • tried adding a prestige and skills system, but turns out they don't actually work! never happening just fyi
    • added two more upgrades (thank you han and lila)
    • added color to all pre-existing cats and tweaked a few mistakes
    • changed the width requirement for the scroll bar on the top
    • fixed pricing and other information on all upgrades (instead of 20000, all numbers display as 20.00k)
    • added more upgrades on certain level intervals


  • home
    • really tried to move the updates panel to another html file (see for yourself here) but gave up! contact me somewhere if you know how to get it working
    • extended the height of the to-do list and the updates section so it's actually readable
  • cats
    • added a feature where you can press the spacebar to earn cats
  • you probably haven't seen these changed since i didn't want to publish them, sorry!


    sorry for no updates! been busy procrastinating with doing nothing

  • cats
    • changed "Sleep Cat" back to "Sleeping Cat"
    • added a boost to your upgrades when they reach level 10, 20, 30, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, and 250
    • fixed the issue so the cats/second and the cats/click actually updates on each click
    • fixed the issue where all of the upgrades displayed "cats/click" instead of their actual corresponding upgrade
  • homepage
    • added MORE stuff on my to-do list (it's so much holy)
    • changed the scrollbar to look a bit nicer
    • switched a message or two on the home section
    • changed the background css a bit (still messed up, needs fixing!)



  • homepage
    • made the time change when the next minute rolls around


  • homepage
    • moved the mobile warning to a seperate container so it's more visable and stands out from the other text
    • added a welcoming text that displays your real time and a corresponding message, based on the time of day
    • updated goals on the to-do list
    • (attempted) to fix the issue with users without web-safe fonts, and no i do NOT care if it makes my website 2-3mb heavier
      • edit 10/30: it did NOT work! i'll still leave it here as is


  • cats
    • changed the location of the save and load functions (sorry mobile users it looks awful, hopefully the slider bar makes up for it)
    • changed positioning, margin, and padding of all header buttons
    • made the body height 680px at the very least regardless of window size
    • added a browser tab icon
    • limited the size of the upgrade container (so it doesn't stretch all the way down the page when i include more upgrades)
    • (from the tutorial) changed the scrollbar's style to look more pleasing
    • (from the tutorial) optimized javascript and html files to look way cleaner
    • if you couldn't tell, i am getting full inspiration from this person, but rather my own twist on things. notice how the styling is completely different and how my version has stuff that his doesn't. im unique i swear!
  • thoughts and aspirations
    • i was going through the web archive and was curious if my website was on there; surprisingly, there was THREE SAVES OF MY WEBSITE LIKE HOLY CRAP I'M FAMOUS
    • whole-heartedly, thank you to the 1-3 people who saved my website on there it means bunches to me


  • homepage
    • made the background not cut off on the bottom of the screen
  • cats
    • swapped out the button for a much cuter cat (thanks again han)
    • added a space cat option
    • adjusted starting price, price increases, and income increases
    • ADDED A SAVE AND LOAD FEATURE (it actually works!)
    • made all numbers (besides the level counter) to be shorthanded to save space (for example, 1000 = 1.00k)
    • put the "return to homepage" button in the middle because it was bothering me on widescreens
    • more cascading style sheet optimization


  • homepage
    • vertically stacked and resized all textboxes if viewport is equal or less than 650px
    • changed the stacking format of the to-do list and the updates so it's not just one big list of text, but rather two smaller lists of texts
  • cats
    • changed the padding of the stats bar so it's slightly bigger
    • changed the clicker to a big red button that looks like a cat (thanks han)
    • (previously was milly from @fatfatmillycat)


  • homepage
    • added a warning for visitors with a viewport 650px or lower to change to a wider viewport
    • changed the update section to be like the "updates" section since i added a bunch of goals to hit
  • cats
    • moved the upgrades towards the bottom if the viewport is smaller than 800px (it does still somewhat look bad if it's smaller than ~360p)
    • changed the font to comfortaa
    • changed the stats bar to be two seperate boxes rather than one massive bar
    • changed the way the button interacts when hovered and clicked
    • tab shows how many cats are in your current balance
    • rate of "Cookie Cat" upgrade increased from 3% to 4%
    • lots of other styling and quality of life changes


  • universal
    • made both cats and homepage more accessible to mobile users! (at the very least, i tried)
      • for the homepage, i haven't optimized android users and other users that don't have any of the websafe fonts pre-downloaded
      • however, i have made the background not clip off for mobile users
      • for cats, the clicker and the upgrades side by side makes it nearly impossible to optimize. maybe move the upgrades towards the bottom of the webpage at a certain max-width? haven't decided. just deal with it or play with your phone tilted horizontally sorry
  • homepage
    • moved the updates section to a textbox
    • added a cool blue box on the top left of all the textboxes to represent all the labels
    • fixed up the background picture so it doesn't leave blank spaces (at least, when you don't try intentionally)
    • website visitor counter!
  • cats
    • made a very cool background (thanks han and mimi ur the best!)
    • added three upgrade options
      • one of them increases clicking power, the other two increasing idle speed
    • added a stats bar on the very top to represent "Cats per click" and "Cats per second"
    • made the "return to homepage" bar position:absolute to make it stop running away
  • misc:
    • not all updates are listed, since i kinda made all of this within 3 days
    • with that being said, this portion only covers what i've done today and not the other two days, sorry for the inconvenience!
    • also, you could probably tell that i stayed home all day due to the massive amount of progress i made today